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Easily and Effectively Add the Immense Power of Video to Your Business!



Discover Your On-Camera Star Quality!


November 8, 15, 29 & December 6 2011

8 PM Eastern

(7 CT, 6 MT, 5 PT)



December 3, 2011

11 AM – 5 PM Eastern

(10 CT, 9 MT, 8 PT)



These days it takes more than a nice website and decent networking skills to get the attention of clients, customers, and the media. In today’s increasingly competitive market, it even takes more than a significant Social Media Presence, a consistent Brand Message to cut through the clutter.


Today, you MUST also have the ability to Speak Eloquently, both On Stage and On-Camera about who you are, what you do and why clients should buy.


Many savvy marketers – just like you — are intrigued by video, know how important it is to their business and brand, but have been putting off diving in because it ALL seems so complicated and time consuming… and even threatening


Maybe you just don’t know WHAT to say, WHERE to say it or HOW to say it. Maybe you just can’t figure out how Video fits into your marketing plan. Maybe you just HATE the way you look ON-CAMERA.


OR Maybe you think you’re too late!!!


The frustration ends HERE AND NOW!


As the top expert in VideoCharisma, I’ll teach you my unique methods so you can easily create and shoot compelling videos and upload them to the Internet so you can GET SEEN by a greater number of clients and prospects than you ever thought possible.


…And that’s what you’re after, right? A larger pool of Prospects and more Clients?


Every one of my clients starts by saying they’re too nervous or don’t know what to say or how to say it, or that they hate the way they look on-camera.

Sound familiar?


These fears cause them to hide from the BEST marketing and branding tools that too many business owners avoid. Video MUST be part of your business-building arsenal — even if you’re feeling hesitant, uncomfortable or shy.


I understand these fears and hesitations better than most because I had to overcome them, too.


The good news is I mastered it, my business is exploding as a result, and I am eager to help you attain “Mastery,” because if I’m certain of anything, it’s this: If I can do it, you can do it.


Why Video and why now?


For many business owners, it may come down – frankly – to knowing your competitors are seeing results from Video. You know it’s something you should be doing, too. You might have even experimented with video but didn’t see immediate results and were so disappointed, you gave up.


I feel you.


But no business owner can afford to ignore Video and to prove my point, here are some YouTube statistics that will blow your mind…


It’s the 2nd most important search engine.

It’s the 3rd most visited website.

15 minutes is the average number of minutes people spend on the

site each day

45 Million home page impressions in the U.S. every day.

There are over 3 Billion YouTube views PER DAY!


And Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn – totaling over 1 Billion users — all accommodate and even encourage video!


Where else will you find that big an audience?


The media have also gotten on the Video bandwagon …

Today, it’s less about sending messages than engaging with customers (Harvard Business Review).

Businesses recognize customers want to engage with them before, during and after buying.

Prospects are 72% more likely to purchase a product or service and make their buying decisions faster when video is included (Univ. of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business).

Google has BIG PLANS for YouTube (Wall Street Jrl.)


If you’re not using Video to get your message out, you’re leaving clients outside your door and money on the table. No two ways about it…


Video’s skyrocketing growth and accessibility allows us to connect face-to-face (it’s how we’re wired).

Video is washing over us like a tidal wave. Only 2 years ago, technology did not exist for non-video-pros to create great video and get it online. Today, it’s here, it’s easy and it looks great.

Video saves tons of time because it lets you get your message across MUCH more quickly.

Video allows the “real” you to shine through and connect with your audience.

Video is a GREAT teaching tool: From delivering coaching and training to connecting with clients and customers to motivating your team, if you can’t be there live, video is the next best thing.

Video is a GREAT learning tool: There is no substitute for seeing yourself as others see you,




Video SCARES MOST PEOPLE TO DEATH! So if you use it, you’ll gain a HUGE competitive advantage!


Here are just a few things you can use video for…


Web Sites and Sales Pages

Vlogs (video-blogs)

Welcome videos

Video newsletters and ezines

Coaching and training programs and packages

Teleseminars and Webinars


Internet TV

CEO and Senior Leader workforce outreach

Product and service demos

Book promotion

Keynote Speaking Services

Live Events

Quick video tips on Social Media sites


There are a multitude of other reasons to connect with video…


Congratulate clients and employees on note-worthy milestones (awards, # of years in business, etc…)

Connect with event participants prior to attending live events

Thank event organizers for hosting outstanding events

Increase your Social Media impact

Quickly record on-the-spot video testimonials

Respond to inquiries using video (I just did, it immediately put me at the head of the line, and I’ll show you how)

Send video emails


Whatever you’re saying or selling, if you don’t want to be left behind, you MUST learn how to present yourself on-camera.



In my long career working with Oscar and Pulitzer-winning Hollywood celebrities and other A-List celebrities to promote themselves and their films, TV shows or businesses, I have marveled at the differences in the way they look and sound on film and the way they look and sound in person. These professionals, who are very earnest and hardworking, are truly just like you and me, but they know a very important secret when it comes to video: What it takes to “ love” the camera, to turn on their natural charisma when the director calls, “Action!”


“At Focus, the last thing in the world we want is for our extraordinary talent to feel constrained or overly-managed during their support for the films they have made, and all too often “media training” can be a code word for those constraints. But with Ruth, it’s the exact opposite – Ruth honestly frees people up to feel confident and open about what they truly want to communicate, without having to worry about anyone, most importantly themselves, looking over their own shoulders.”

James Shamus, CEO, Universal/Focus Features”


When Universal/Focus Features bought and adapted my book, “Taking Woodstock,” for Ang Lee to direct, I was practically dancing on the moon. Then Universal informed me that I needed a handler to train me how to handle the upcoming onslaught of worldwide press/media that would be interviewing me. I didn’t think I needed a handler. After all, I’ve been doing interviews and radio/tv shows for over 30 years. How wrong I was.They brought in the very delightful and knowledgeable Ruth Sherman to meet with me. Ruth coached me on how to handle what would be awkward and embarrassing questions. Her advice served me well in that she trained me how to redirect potentially damaging stuff into positive as well as statements that would have the desired impact that Ang Lee’s vision of my memoir was aiming for in the movie.


I expressed my deepest concern that my normal humorous way of expressing myself might get lost. Ruth analyzed those concerns and came up with exactly the right mix of my natural humor that would help me win the respect both my publisher and Universal wanted.


Ruth Sherman’s guidance continues to accompany me in my nationwide tour of colleges and universities. I can handle the enormous variety of questions from both conservative audiences to the liberal fans I generally appeal to. Of course, when not onstage, I am still free to rant and rave as I love to. lol

Elliot Tiber, Author, “Taking Woodstock.”


And now, I want to share their secrets with you. Videos are actually amazingly easy to create, but won’t fulfill their promise if you look bad, sound boring or your content isn’t compelling. Regardless of your opinion of your own physical attributes (and – trust me – you CANNOT be objective), you can look and sound terrific on-camera if you learn some basic information and techniques, like…



Everything you need to shoot and upload video

Setting & Background

Staging the perfect background and the one, simple prop that enhances you and your message


I’ll show you how to use what you already have because, as my celebrity clients know, lighting is the key to hiding flaws and making you look great


Exactly what to use and how much to apply to make the most of your best features (Gentlemen, this goes for you, too!)

Dress and Adornment

Colors, patterns, outfits and accessories to assure you communicate the right image


Projecting your unique charisma and presence through movement, facial expression and voice


The one, the only. We’ll spend a lot of time getting you set up and comfy because with 3 Billion views per DAY it cannot be ignored.





You can have all the above, but if your words don’t move people, it’s all useless. I will show you some simple formulas that tap into knowledge you already have and your stakeholders want and need.


Here is what you can expect from VideoCharisma:

Each evening session is 75 minutes.

The Saturday session is 6 hours during which you’ll shoot and upload video.

We’ll be online together and you will all see me, live.

I will demonstrate various techniques.

We’ll use the chat feature to communicate in real time.

We’ll also have a private, by-invitation-only Facebook page where we can continue meeting, sharing, helping and learning from each other.

“Video Charisma is the perfect tool for anyone who wants to break ground with video presentation. Before this class I would not have even tried to do a video but now I see how easy it is to practice with different lighting and techniques. I love how Ruth instills confidence by revealing her own mistakes and shows everyone how “good enough” is good enough! This class broke the ice for me and I can’t wait to do my first live video.”.”

Linda Kennedy, CEO, Contracting Initiatives”


Here is what I expect from you and what you’ll need to fully participate in and benefit from VideoCharisma:

High speed Internet connection

Ability to watch and hear video on your computer

Latest version of Adobe Flash Player

Compatible browser (Check for the latest version of your browser)

You will have to be at a computer – this isn’t something you can benefit from by calling in from the road

Webcam or other video camera that you know how to use, including how to connect it to your computer to upload videos.


AND PLEASE don’t expect to just sit there passively and take it all in. Video – like any other type of speaking and presenting – is LEARN-BY-DOING. You cannot get comfortable on-camera or get better at it unless you do it, so you’ll have to be ready to TAKE THE VIDEO PLUNGE!


You’ll have homework assignments where you will be required to shoot videos.


AND, in case the dog eats your homework, the Saturday all-day session is designed to help you do just that… a 6-hour slot reserved to shoot video. I’ll be right there with you, offering support and guidance.


Because this is no excuses.


You’ll learn to G.O.I. Get. Over. It.


At the end of VideoCharisma, you’ll have everything you need to…

Project yourself with confidence and great presence on-camera

Deliver a compelling, magnetic message

Launch your video!


…As well as an up-and-running YouTube channel that is just waiting for you to add more, fabulous video content.


PLUS…You will receive the following SPECIAL BONUSES…*


Recordings of the entire VideoCharisma program

Links to all resources and sites you MUST investigate

Accompanying slides for each segment

Other pdfs, materials, and unannounced bonuses



“Yes Ruth, I’m ready to make BIG changes in my personal and professional impact by increasing my VideoCharisma and by learning your secrets to planning, shooting, and launching amazingly effective videos.”

My CEO and Celebrity clients regularly pay me $14,000 per day for my services – and I bill for ALL my time, including the hours I spend prepping, traveling and delivering follow-up. My trusted advisors have told me to charge no less than $997 because of the nearly 2 full days of content.

But I am so completely convinced of the enormous power of video, and so want you to have access to this powerful tool, I am offering it all for only



You can make one, single payment OR 5 easy payments of $119.00


Click below to reserve your spot at VideoCharisma!

Register NOW for VideoCharisma!

To Make a Singe Playment



To Make 5 Payments

Participation is limited. First come, first served.


Can’t wait to see you for VideoCharisma! You’re gonna be on TV!

P.S.: Because of the strict limit on participation, please understand there can be no refunds.


Questions? Email me., and check out my YouTube channel here.

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